movement health™ - Movement mindset™ - Body & Movement Literacy - Human Movement sphere™
Thrive Movement Systems
You are how you move.
The you I speak of in this case is your body. The present state of your body as it pertains to your movement health™ is largely a result of how you’ve moved in and inhabited your body over the course of your life. How you move can be examined in two ways:
your behavior associated with movement and
the capacity you have to move in your body.
Your behavior associated with movement refers to how you inhabit your body. What are the positions and motions you take you body through on a regular basis? Do you move your body in a variety of ways as its design allows? Or do you go from sitting at the table for breakfast, to sitting in the car to go to work, to sitting at your desk while at work, to sitting in the car to go home from work, and so on?
The capacity you have to move in your body refers to what extent and with what variation can you express positions and motions with your body. Can you touch your toes, sit cross legged on the floor, or rest comfortably in a deep squat? How well can you move within your Human Movement Sphere™?
Your capacity to move is directly impacted by your behavior associated with movement. Human beings, by nature, have a tremendous capacity to move. We observe this capacity to move in our young people. This capacity is given to us from birth. We observe this capacity in gymnasts, martial artists, and other athletes. This capacity is maintained or expanded on by some because their lifestyle, sport or activity ask for it. Unfortunately, this capacity is lost on most of us. We just simply do not have an awareness of this capacity nor its value on the quality of our lives. We have come to believe that this capacity shrinks as a result of aging and that we have no control over it. It’s time to think in a different way. When we see things differently, we behave differently. My main objective is to create a shift in the way you relate to your body and how you move it so you can express yourself in your body without pain or restriction and so you can experience independence and resilience over the course of your life.
The Thrive Movement Systems are here to support people in making the best investment in their body and their Movement Health™. These systems were built to educate, guide, support and care for people who want to change how they inhabit their body and want to become the steward of their Movement Health™. This process involves getting more familiar with our body and gaining an understanding of our body as it relates to movement. There is focus on how one’s current way of inhabiting their body contributes to the health or decline of their body’s movement system. Be inspired and empowered to care for yourself in a new way. Read more about Movement Health™ HERE, a Movement Mindset™ HERE, Body & Movement Literacy HERE and the Human Movement Sphere™ HERE.
The Thrive Movement Systems are powered by Applied Functional Science®, Functional Range Conditioning®, and Postural Restoration®. Applied Functional Science® (AFS®) is an integrated approach to evaluation, rehabilitation, training, and conditioning that focuses on authentic three dimensional movement. Functional Range Conditioning® (FRC®) is a comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principals and research. Postural Restoration® (PRI®) is a holistic approach to the management of postural patterns of asymmetry.
Please visit the Thrive Movement Glossary HERE to see the relationship between all the movement terms presented throughout this site.