My Career & Personal Vision
Career Vision
My passion and intention is to inspire and empower people to change the way they inhabit their body and to become stewards of their Movement Health™. My desire is to have a powerful, positive impact on the vitality and longevity of as many people as possible. I envision a world where people are in partnership with their body, where people come to their body with compassion, appreciation, curiosity, and awe, and where people are astounded by the magnificence and respect of the complexity of the body. I see a world where people are systematically taught about their body and how it moves, where people cultivate a Movement Mindset™ and move beyond exercise to live A Movement Lifestyle™, where people live long lives with a high degree of physical independence, and where people live their best lives because their body has been nurtured and cared for on a higher level over the entirety of their lives.
Personal Vision
My personal intention is to live long and live long well while experiencing exuberance, freedom, and appreciation in and for my body. I identify as a dynamic mover and a movement enthusiast. To consistently fulfill on my vision and align with my identity, I live A Movement Lifestyle™. My movement focused self care practice places my Movement Health™ as my top priority. It is my experience that when the health of my body’s movement system is strong, the quality of my life is impacted in a favorable way.